About India

Dairy Livestock, Fish & Poultry Industry in India

Indian Livestock industry makes up for a significant amount of World’s livestock resources through value addition and export of dairy, fishery, wool, poultry and other products. It has proved to be boon for sustaining livelihood of the landless farmers and marginal farmers by self-employment opportunities. Also, this occupation provides subsidiary income source to people living in drought prone, hilly, tribal remote areas where crop production is not sufficient. It is estimated that about 70 million rural households own livestock of one species or the other. Women constitute majority of workforce engaged in livestock sector.

Livestock Industry Covers, Dairy, Poultry, Fishing, Wool and Meat Industry under itself.

Dairy Industry in India is growing at high momentum. India produces more than 13% of total milk production in the world. Yet, Per Capita Milk Availability is still lower in India. Poultry in India started as a backyard activity and in the past three decades it has gone through a revolutionary change. From a backyard activity it has got transformed into well-organized, scientifically oriented and technologically driven industry. India Stands 5th in Egg Production and the Poultry Industry grows at around 8-10% per annum.

DLP Expo Asia

18-19-20, SEPTEMBER 2025,
Helipad Exhibition Centre, Near Sachivalay,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India